A Lovely Lunch of Local Cheese

Recently my family and I spent a beautiful Sunday afternoon on a farm tour at a local dairy farm in Saratoga County.  It was called Sundae on the Farm and was held on Father’s day.  We went from booth to booth watching sheep shearing, goat milking and spinning.  We also took in a cooking demonstration and then headed over to the farmer’s market.  All the offerings there were from local farms and craftspeople.  I have developed a real love of goat’s cheese lately so I couldn’t pass up this booth, along with goat’s cheese he also made mozzarella.  And the booth across from his, Willow Marsh Farm,  was laden with cheddars (another weakness of mine) of all different flavors.

The cheese on the left is the goat cheese (the black is ash) the center is garlic cheddar (to die for) and the cheese on the right is truffle cheese.  After spending the day in the sun, smelling the smells of the cows and being dazzled by the farmers and craftspeople, we decided to come home and make a lovely lunch out our local cheese.

Have a favorite cheese?
Got a twist on the traditional cheese plate?