Bean Soup Crock pot Style

I don’t always send my husband to the store alone. Nine times out of ten he will get me the wrong thing or will get something completely not on the list.  But there is that one time that he will bring home something and it will be an amazing purchase!
That’s what happened a couple of days ago when I asked him to go to the store before one of the biggest snow storms of the year.  He bought everything on the list but also brought home a huge ham.  Not only a ham but a ham with a bone in it!  We got so much use out of this ham — we made country breakfast, we made sandwiches, we made casseroles and when it was almost gone (but still with the bone in it) I decided to make a pot of navy bean soup – in the crock pot.  
This falls into the category of a #retrorecipe for #SundaySupper since my mom would make a big pot of bean soup once in a while but never in the crock pot.  There is just something magical about putting all your ingredients into a vessel and then coming back a few hours later to a perfectly cooked meal.
It couldn’t be simpler either.
This is what you’ll need:
3-4 large carrots peeled and cut into 1 inch pieces
2-3 stalks of celery with leaves cut into 1 inch pieces
half of an onion
1 small tomato cut into large pieces
1 large jar or 2 cans of navy beans
1 piece of ham with the bone attached
Place all the ingredients in a crock pot and cover with about 8 cups of water.  Turn on low and cook 5-6 hours.  That’s it!
I don’t like to season my bean soup until the end since you don’t know how much salt there is in the beans or in the ham.
Do you have a retro recipe that just calls you back to the good ol’ days?
Feel free to share it in the comments or join us for the twitter party #SundaySupper #retrorecipes
March 8th at 7 ET  Hope to “see” you there!