First Post of 2012- Full of Hope and Promise

Today is January 1st 2012.  The first day of a new year.  The day when everyone feels renewed and refreshed, full of hope and promise.  And of course also full of resolutions and good intentions.

Like everyone else I have resolutions that I’d like to make, things I’d like to change.  We all have things that we need to work on.

Whether it’s losing a few pounds, saving money or conquering a long time challenge I wish you all good luck making 2012 everything you’d like it to be.

I hope that you will visit often to see all the changes I have planned for this blog.  New design, new recipes and new topics.  I’m hoping to inspire and entertain, to teach and to share insights and tips.  And as always I’m open to comments and suggestions.  I love to hear what you think.

So, take this new year and mold it into what you want.  Make it your own.  Be the best you can be.

Happy New Year!