I love a good sale! And nothing beats getting pizza dough at buy 1 get 3 free!! You can freeze them or you can turn them into something else like focaccia bread. Everyone takes help from the store now and then (right Sandra Lee?) but the real trick is turning it into something else.
I took one package of Price Choppers ready made pizza dough that was in the dairy case and let it rise according to the instructions. By placing it in a oiled bowl in a warm place, covered with a clean towel. That took about 45 minutes. While the dough was rising I made an infused oil. On the stove in a small saucepan I warmed about 1/4 cup of olive oil. Once the oil was warmed but not bubbling I grated in 2 cloves of garlic and about 1/2 teaspoon each of dried basil and dried parsley. I let the oil steep off the heat.
Once the dough had risen I turned it out onto a light greased baking sheet.
<TIP> The dough will spring back but that’s okay. Keep working it out with your fingers. Once it’s in the rectangular shape, then take your finger tips and press them down all over the bread to make dimples.
I spread it with the infused oil adding a sprinkle of salt to the top.
I baked the bread in a preheated 350 degree oven for about 12-15 minutes. You’ll smell it for sure!
Once the bread is done I sprinkled it with a little grated Parmesan cheese.
I served the bread with an old fashioned pasta dinner — spaghetti and salad.
Have a double duty use for a grocery store item?
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